11. Treasurer

11.1 The Treasurer of the ICL will be elected at the Congress

The Treasurer of the ICL will be elected at the Congress.

They will manage the treasury for the period between two Congresses.

11.2 Once this period has passed, the position may not be extended

Once this period has passed, the position may not be extended.

A new Treasurer shall be elected at each Congress.

11.3 The Treasurer’s duties include everything relating to the finances of the ICL

The Treasurer’s duties include everything relating to the finances of the ICL.

They will be in charge of its bank accounts.

11.4 The Treasurer and the Secretary will be the two individuals jointly authorized to disburse the funds of the ICL

The Treasurer and the Secretary will be the two individuals jointly authorized to disburse the funds of the ICL, in accordance with the instructions of the agreements and the directions of the bodies of the ICL at all times.

11.5 Among the Treasurer’s duties is calculating the average numbers of dues-paying

Among the Treasurer’s duties is calculating the average numbers of dues-paying individual members of the Sections, in order to allocate votes before any vote is to be held.

11.7 The Treasurer reports to the Secretary and Liaison Committee every six months

The Treasurer reports to the Secretary and Liaison Committee every six months.

The Secretary or any Liaison Committee member can request a report at any time.

An audit will occur at the midpoint of their term and a final audit will occur after a Treasurer has completed their five-year term.

It is performed by a commission of at least two people who are not part of the Liaison Committee and who should belong to different member organizations.

The Section to which the Treasurer belongs may replace a Treasurer

11.8 The Section to which the Treasurer belongs may replace a Treasurer from their ranks at any time.

They must provide the replacement.

The Treasurer can be recalled by a referendum, which can be initiated by a Section or the Liaison Committee.